Thursday, February 19, 2015

He's no Barny. RINOsaurus John McCain out to pasture 2016 ! Don't vote for John McCain in primary 2016 ! Vote Conservative Republican ...

John McCain of Arizona should have 
been voted out in 2010. Now it's been five 
going on six years and it's time to put him 
out to pasture by voting him out in the 
2016 primary! Senator McCain has caused 
the taxes and fees of  ALL Americans to 
go up to pay for his illegal aliens and has 
refused to speak up in the last 5-6 years 
to enforce the border, visa overstays, and 
workplace enforcement against the hiring 
of illegal aliens!

Free education for their kids, free welfare, 
free college education and free healthcare 
for all of them and YOU are paying an ever 
increasing amount for an ever increasing 
number of them. And then they and McCain 
and his corrupt, EVIL, deviant, and underhanded 
Democrat cohorts cry: " You can't separate 
families- the children from the parents by 
deporting the parents! " They mean the jackpot 
babies born in the U.S. by illegal parents 
crossing the border and their children automatically 
become U.S. citizens through the perverted 
distorted Democrat judge on the 14th amendment 

According to Jerome Corsi, guest on the 
Dennis Miller Talk radio program AM 870 at 
6:45 pm on Tues. 1/26/10, author of 'The Obama 
Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality', 
big tent Globalists Republicans such as John McCain 
and his RINO Republican globalist big tent 
supporters are Left - of - Center and want to be 
like Democrats.

GOOGLE : 'How the Democrats Created the 
Financial Crisis', Commentary by Kevin Hassett 
- September 22, 2008 00:04 EDT at

Vote Adios to ungodly cowardly John 'McCamnesty' 
McCain ' from the U.S. Senate in 2016 !